Arduino Mega 2560


These connections are required between the Arduino Mega 2560 and the IEEE488 connector. There are 3 different wiring diagrams, a Default one, E1 and E2:

Arduino GPIB connector Function
D E1 E2
A0 30 37 1 DIO1
A1 32 35 2 DIO2
A2 34 33 3 DIO3
A3 36 31 4 DIO4
D8 40 41 5 EOI
D7 42 43 6 DAV
D6 44 45 7 NRFD
D16 46 47 8 NDAC
D17 48 49 9 IFC
D10 50 51 10 SRQ
D11 52 53 11 ATN
GND GND GND 12 Shield
A4 22 29 13 DIO5
A5 24 27 14 DIO6
A6 26 25 15 DIO7
A7 28 23 16 DIO8
D9 38 39 17 REN
GND GND GND 18,19,20,21,22,23 GND

The default layout on the Mega was chosen so as to leave pins A8-A15 and the two rows of pins at the top of the board free for expansion including for displays and other peripherals.

Pins 16 and 17 correspond to Serial2. As these have been used for controlling signals on the GPIB bus, they cannot be used for serial communication. If Serial2.begin is added to the sketch, these pins will be enabled for serial communication and will no longer function as GPIB control signals. In addition to the default serial port (RX0 and TX0), Serial1 and Serial3 are still available for expansion if required. These two pins were chosen for GPIB signals as they belong to port H along with pins 6 – 9.

Wiring diagram - default layout


Wiring diagram - layout E1 & E2

Arduino Mega 2560 wiring diagram

Arduino Mega 2560 wiring diagram

Arduino Mega 2560 E1/E2 pinout

Arduino Mega 2560 E1/E2 pinout